Northern Light Christian Church
"I am the Light of the world; he who follows Me will not walk in the darkness, but will have the Light of life" Jesus 

Worship God! 

Sunday @ 10 am



Sermon Links  ↓

A House of Prayer


A House of Praise

A House of Preaching


A House of Power


New Mesages


This series of messages came from a revelation about the men that became the worshipers when the Ark of the Covenant was first brought into the city of David. The Ark of the Covenant is a symbol of the presence of God. We can learn much about God and about who we are as His worshipers by studying the meaning of these worshipers names. One thing you will notice is that the names ending with “iah” have an alternative Hebrew spelling “Yah-Hoo”. Our God is YAHWEH, He is a YAHHOO God. God is worthy to be praised and celebrated with a joyful noise.

Laying a Foundation for the Presence of God

Heman - Faithful

Mikneiah - Possession of God - Maasiah - Work for God - Obed-Edom - Servant of Edom

(Edom, possibly a name of God)

Ben - Son


Our Church Covenant

Gaining The Glory - Becoming More Like Jesus

End Time Article, By Kent Angeloff

Four Bad Kings - Four strategies the enemy uses to hinder you from taking the land.

Seek First The Kingdom of God

Revival Praying - The Four P's to Revival


The Things That Make You Effective


Be Filled With The Holy Spirit

The Word


Faith and Love